"UGC Scripts Ruin Authenticity"

I had a conversation with one of the biggest Meta advertisers in Europe. They asked why we script our UGC videos.

Happy Wednesday!

I had a conversation with an automotive brand today. They are one of the biggest Meta advertisers in Europe.

They asked why we script our UGC videos and don’t provide a simple brief to creators and let them create.

Great question that I want to elaborate on today and share what we found perform best for our brands and clients.

What you will learn today:

  • Are you turning unique stories into uniform content by scripting UGC?

  • What problems occur when you give creators too much freedom

  • Should you ever work with creators without providing a script?

  • How scripts help you reduce the guesswork and stay on brand

  • The most important thing whether you’re on team scripts or briefs

And much more…

One email is not enough for all the lessons we collected over 3 years of reviewing thousands of creator applications and working hands-on with hundreds of creators.

We put everything we know about sourcing and managing creators into a full guide you can access completely free here.

Idea of the Week

Scripts reduce the guesswork for creators. They clarify what we're looking for, minimizing revisions and enabling creators to focus on crafting engaging content that feels authentic and personal.

Jakub Szunyogh

Top Content of the Week

  • Temu is bidding on brand names in Google Search promoting 90% discounts and free shipping. What can you do?

  • You don’t find winners. You optimize your ads until they become winners.

  • TikTok launched a direct competitor to Instagram named TikTok Notes in Canada and Australia. Read here.

The Question

Here is a question I was asked that sparked this discussion:

“Are you not taking unique stories and making them uniform by scripting UGC? We already have a brief that gives a broad scope by simply giving the creators all of the information about how the product works with examples and letting them create with their own tone and style.”

The Problem With Too Much Freedom

Most of our clients came to us after a not-so-great experience working with creators who, bless their hearts, delivered content that flopped in paid advertising.

Very few creators can create quality content that will persuade the audience to take out their wallets and buy your products from a simple brief.

The words you say in the video matter the most. The second is the quality of content.

When Freedom Goes Wrong

We all have seen Billo creators who receive products, turn on the camera, and read what the product label says.

They add a few fillers, such as “I’m obsessed” and send it over to a brand.

The brand is happy to at least have some content, so they launch the ads.

They waste 10 times more money on the ad spend than they paid for the video.

The brand says UGC doesn’t work and swears to never work with creators again.

I’ve heard this scenario a few times already on my calls with new clients.

A Needle In a Haystack

We have a few talented creators who can create amazing content without much guidance.

From what we’ve seen, our ads perform better when we tell creators what to film and say, rather than leaving creators to guess.

I’m sure some brands swear by giving creators a free hand.

If that works for you, that’s awesome. I’m not here to preach but to share what’s worked for us and our clients.

Why Scripts Over Briefs?

1. GPS, Not Rulebook

Think of a script not as a strict rulebook but more like a GPS for creators.

It helps them navigate the path without getting lost, ensuring they cover all the key points we know resonate with the audience.

This way, they can still take scenic detours—using their unique style and personality—but without veering off course.

2. On-Brand Consistency

When you’re managing a brand, consistency is your best friend.

It helps build a recognizable brand identity across different platforms and pieces of content.

Scripts help ensure that every piece of content aligns with your brand’s message and tone.

It’s like having a secret ingredient that makes sure all your cookies taste just right, even if each baker adds their own touch.

3. Efficiency and Effectiveness

By providing a script, we streamline the content creation process, making it faster and more efficient for creators to produce videos.

This means quicker turnaround times and more consistent output.

Plus, when we base these scripts on data-driven insights, they’re more likely to hit the mark right out of the gate.

4. Reduces the Guesswork

Creators are amazing, but they’re not mind readers.

A script can help clarify what we’re looking for, reducing the back-and-forth and minimizing revisions.

This way, creators know exactly what the goal is, and they can focus on crafting engaging content that still feels authentic and personal.

5. Proven Success

We've seen it time and again—scripted content tends to perform better in terms of ad performance and conversion rates.

It’s not just about controlling the narrative, it’s about optimizing it.

When we provide a framework based on what works, creators can focus on creativity without worrying about whether they’re meeting advertising objectives.

What’s Most Important?


While we love a good script, we’re not about stifling creativity.

It’s all about that balance—providing enough structure to guide the creative process while leaving ample room for personal expression.

This way, we get content that not only looks good but also works hard to achieve our goals.

Share Your Take

So, there you have it!

That’s why we’re mostly on team scripts but always with a big cheer for creativity and individual flair.

What do you think? Got any epic wins or flops with UGC you wanna share? Are you team scripts or team freestyle?

Share your thoughts and I will respond to all of them.

Bonus For You

If you run an e-commerce business and spend at least $5,000 a month on ads, I will write 3 creative concepts for your brand completely free.

I want to show you our creative process and why our clients love it.

Simply fill out this form and I will send you 3 concepts tailored to your brand.


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How I Can Help You

Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you…

  1. If you’re looking for a creative partner who will handle your entire creative production, deliver winning ads every month, and help you scale, apply to work with us here. We have worked with brands like HexClad, RYZE, BestSelf, Product Hunt, Morning Brew, and others.

  2. Want me to train your internal team and implement all of our creative production systems and strategies in your business? Apply here and I will help you build an in-house team that can create hundreds of winning ads every month.

  3. If you’re looking to take your ad performance to the next level and have a consistent stream of winning creative, but don’t want to hire anyone, I have created a program that teaches you our entire creative production process and everything I have learned over 3 years of creating tens of thousands of ads.